
Tony and I get the keys to our new apartment on Wednesday. I am sooo excited. I just can't wait to unpack everything, get settled and start living the life we've been dreaming about since the day I got a phone call saying YOU HAVE A JOB. Honestly every day since that day we've talked about what we're gonna do with our new place, how we are going to organize everything, and what we plan to do with our evenings together (most likely watching TV :) haha). So the anticipation has been killing us, we are so ready for this.

I don't think I've actually talked about this, but we were supposed to move in to our new place on Friday the 10th. Obviously that didn't happen. About a week and a half ago Tony go a phone call from the people we're renting the place from. They informed us that they were having a hard time getting our new place ready by the 10th. Since it wasn't going to be ready they offered us a bigger place, on the first floor and at the same price we would have been paying for the small place. Of course we accepted this. The only con about this option was that we aren't able to move in until the 15th. 5 days really hasn't felt that bad. I still don't have all my stuff packed and ready to move anyway. Procrastination has been getting me these past few days. :)

Tony and I got all of our furniture and a new mattress yesterday. I'm so excited to get everything situated. I can't wait to build the couch (we got it from ikea). It should be fun. I'm also so excited to get our bed set up and sleep on our new mattress! SOO excited.

Other than all this anticipation, life has been alright. Working and hanging out, that pretty much defines my life these days, and I'm totally okay with that. So okay with that. It was a little weird not going back to college this fall, even more weird because so many people I know did and all they talk about is "first day of class this" and "first day of class that". O well, I'm actually really happy that I don't have to go to class. I mean class was just stressful and ug. I'm glad that I've graduated. YAY

Well I suppose I should go get stuff packed and start to get laundry taken care of before the work week.

I'll write again when I get settled in my new place. :)