Day Thirty-one

I was so happy to open the door this morning and have Tony there hugging me. He's so sweet. Cutest boy in the whole world. He was so happy to see me too. we hugged for like three hours. Wonderful.

We just hung out in my room for a while and pretty much slept the whole time. Then we just went shopping and stuff. We went downtown and looked at Urban and stuff. Its all such cool stuff, but too expensive to actually buy. I always wait for the stuff to go on sale because then its at least affordable. I would never in my life pay like 49.99 for a stupid t-shirt. When that store does have a sale, it goes on sale. That fifty buck shirt will be like 10 bucks... or cheaper! haha

After we went shopping we got some food. MMM Jimmy Johns. It was fun. We then went back to my apartment and watched My Best Friend's Girl. It was such a cute movie. I really enjoyed it. And Tony got the movie for free because he bought some tax program. It was sweet cause it was like a 20 dollar movie. haha

Well now i think we are going to go out and do something with the night. I think we might go to pinball pete's and blow off some steam.


Day Thirty

Friday! Finally! I can't believe how long this week has taken. Honestly I couldn't wait till today and now its FINALLY here. :) FINALLY! haha.

All I had to do today was my tour training. It was alright. Pretty boring. We just sat there and listened to the department head talk about their departments. Nothing that was totally stimulating.

I have no classes on Friday's so the rest of the day is pretty boring. I went to Borders and hung out for a bit looking at books and stuff. I want to buy this book called "I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell". It looks hilarious! Its about this guy who went to law school at Duke and is just horrid. He does all these crazy things and its just his recollection of what he did over the years. Looks like a pretty good/easy read.

OMG. Youth in Revolt is coming out as a movie soon. Guess who plays the main character!? Michael Cera! I AM IN LOVE. Michael Cera is like the cutest guy ever. He's my Hollywood crush. I can't wait to watch him in that movie. I really hope they don't screw up the movie tho because Youth in Revolt is my favorite book of all time.

I suppose I'm going to watch some movies and get some sleep. Tony will be down early tomorrow and we're going to hang and do whatever.

Later ;)

Day Twenty-nine.

Another Thursday. Again I don't really enjoy Thursday's cause I never have anything to do. Tomorrow I just have training and then nothing. I think that I'm going to watch movies and stuff tomorrow night. I don't really have anything else to do.

Tonight I am getting all my notes caught up and getting ready for midterms that are going to start in the next couple weeks. I hate midterms because they stress me out and I hardly ever do 'well' on them. Sucks. I guess I'm just going to start studying early this semester and I have to do well. I HAVE TO. I need to get good grades this semester so that I can raise my GPA and so that I can possibly make the Dean's List.

I really hope that I can because that would make my parents so happy. I wish that I could have always been on the Dean's list, but I just don't feel like I'm THAT smart compared to everyone else here. But I really do try so I guess that it does show that I'm doing my best, and that's all they have ever asked of me.

I am going to get going because I don't have anything else to do today. Pretty lame life I'm leading these past few weeks. But honestly who wants to go out when its like -3049 outside. Sick. I'd rather lay around in my room and be comfy in warmth. :)

Later gator.

Day Twenty-eight

Wednesday. Hump day. Almost to the weekend. I like Wednesday's tho because they are pretty busy and I have class like all day. So I don't have a lot of down time that I don't know what to do with. So its nice.

Mal and I got together and studied a lot for the IOE exam that we have tomorrow. I don't think that it will be that hard. I don't really like that class, its pretty boring, but its not hard at all. I don't think I need to study like super hard for th exam or anything. I went to the library for a few hours today to type up my cheat sheet for the exam. That's another reason its going to be so easy because we get an entire page of notes on it too.

I feel like when I do have a cheat sheet on exams I never use them. I think it just helps me in the study process to write down all the things that I think are important that may be on the exam. So its nice. I feel good when I have a cheat sheet too... just incase. Security. haha

Other than doing that today I haven't done much. Talked to Tony for a while. I miss him a lot already. He's working right now so we weren't really able to talk a ton. I understand that he's working tho so it really doesn't bother me a TON. but it does suck to be in the middle of a conversation and then he has to go. I love him!

Well I don't have anything else to write about. Should probably go get some sleep so that I'm not tired tomorrow for the exam SUPER early. haha


Day Twenty-seven

Tuesday: Have class from 8:30 till 10:30 and then I spend about 3 to 5 hours in the EECS 270 lab finishing everything up so I don't have to attend my lab. My lab runs from 4:30 to 7:30 so I just would rather get everything done early and head home and sleep for a few hours before I have to start cracking down on other homework. If i was there till seven at night I would not want to do anything after. So this works out better.

gEECS is having a pizza house dinner on February 9th. It should be a fun time. I hope people end up coming. haha. That reminds me, I need to make the reservations. I hate talking to people on the phone. I'm such a wimp. And I'm super lame.

I did a lot of homework and reading again today. I'm pretty sure that's all I do with my life anymore. I go to class. I take naps and then I read and do homework for HOURS. I guess I really have nothing else to do with my time and I might as well do that.

I am going to go sleep now.

Day Twenty-Six

I honestly cannot believe that January 2009 is almost over. It really has just flown by. I've been back in school for almost a month and I feel like classes aren't even getting past the easy point. Its super strange. I have never felt like this in a class. I feel like my classes are a little easier this semester. Maybe its because I'm only taking 12 credits. I'm being a slacker this semester. But o well I'm totally over that. Its nice having some down time to think for myself. Its nice being able to sleep during the night and just do work during the day. And this is possibly the reason my classes feel easy, because I'm actually comprehending what is going on in them right now.

I hate Monday's cause Tony leaves and I know it'll be along 5 days until I see him again. I miss him so much during the week that I can't even begin to explain how lame my life is when he's not around. I honestly do nothing because I have no one to do it with. I'm the lamest person that I have ever known and right now I don't have a problem with that.

I miss having Kevin in all my classes. He was fun to complain with. Sometimes I feel like I just annoy people with my complaints so I've decided to not complain anymore, and when I really do need to vent, here I come!! :)

I guess I need to go to Campus Day Training. I can't wait till tours start cause training is boring.

I miss my babe.

Day Twenty-five

Well I feel better about life today. I don't understand why i worry so much. I wish i was like everyone else and could just be certain that in the future life will be better. Sometimes I believe that, but other times I just don't even know what to expect or anything.

I mean when I was in high school I expected college to be SOO much different than it is. Its really not that awesome. Its stressful and a TON of work. I don't have very many friends because there just isn't enough time in the day to have friends and have decent grades. I guess I'm just not awesome at managing my time.

So after I graduate from college is life going to get easier? I really hope so because right now I feel like I am stressed from the time I wake up at the crack of dawn in the morning, until the second my body goes to sleep at night, and it never ends. Day in and Day out I am stressed about something and its really taking a toll on me. I'm sick all the time. I'm tired all the time. I eat horrid. I look horrid and I'm just in general doign horrid.

Today tho, today i felt better. I didn't think about school. I just went with the flow of things and had a great day. I didn't do anything TOO exciting, but I did get to just lay around for the better part of the day and watch movies with Tony. We'd been planning on doing it for a while so I'm glad we finally go to.

I love him.

Day Twenty-four

Tony came down this morning and we laid in bed for hours. I felt like a slob and finally drug my ass to the bathroom and too a shower. He joined and we laughed. It was cute and i can't wait for the rest of my life to be a giant laugh with him.

Sometimes I'm worried about the husband that Tony will be. I'm scared that he's not going to take our situations seriously. Like now for instance, I asked him to move in with me next year. He said he would at first, but now is all stand-off-ish about it. I don't know what's made him change his mind, but it sure has changed a bit in these past few weeks as the move in date drags closer.

He always says he'll worry about it later when the time gets closer. Well I don't know when he'll actually start to worry about the future. Its like its all a big joke for him. He acts like we are still in high school. Honestly, it scares me. I CANNOT MARRY A HIGHSCHOOLER.

I'm confused as shit these days.

I am scared that in a year I'll be a jobless fool living on the streets trying to scrounge up enough dollars to pay my student loans back.

I'm stupid.

I hate my classes.

Why did I pick eecs? Did i really think it'd be easy or something? That it'd be SO cool that I'd like it so much that it'd be easy. Did i think it'd be high school part two?

I'm an ass.

Day Twenty-three

I had training today at 2. I didn't have anything to get up for this morning but I woke up at like nine for some reason. SO just went over to EECS and did some homework for next week. I have a ton of stuff to get done next week so I guess it's good I'm starting on it now.

Training was boring.

I came back to my apartment. Talked to tony for a while. Pretty lame.

didn't feel good so I'm laying in bed now watching TV. Will probably go to sleep in a bit.

I feel like crap. I don't know what's wrong with me.

I feel like my life is just rolling down a hill so incredibly fast that I can't stop it... till it gets to the bottom.

Hopefully it'll have enough momentum to roll up a little after reaching the bottom.

What am I doing!? I'm going to be jobless this summer because I'm an asshole and can't do anything correctly.

I hate that about me.

Should have taken the first thing that was put in front of my mouth. But i didn't. Thought better things would come along. Who am I fooling?

I need to go to sleep.

Day Twenty-two

I hate Thursday's. They suck. First off I have class at 8:30 in the morning. It's a two hour class. So its super hard to stay awake for and i hate it. its IOE so it doesn't even really matter to me and I honestly couldn't care less about the class. So that sucks. Then I get out at 10:30 and get some work done at the library.

By noon I am exhausted and do not want to do work anymore so I go back to my apartment and take a nap. I nap for entirely too long and then wake up pissed cause I slept so long. I then contemplate whether to go to the library and get more work done or just hang out and watch TV for a while(its like 6 pm by this time). I usually do that latter but today I decided it'd be a good idea to hit the books for a while.

So that happened. I did get some stuff done and some of the reading done that I've been putting off. But other than that, today was THE most boring day on the face of the earth.

I would DO something on Thursday night's, its just there's no one to do it with. Everyone that I'm friends with has class on Friday mornings so they don't want to like hang out or anything on Thursday nights. Who am I kidding, I don't really have anyone that would necessarily want to hang out with me even if they DIDN'T have anything on Friday morning. I'm such a lame loser. I need better friends. Decent friends that are fun and NOT Olga. ha ha.

I'll work on that i suppose.

In the mean time I guess Thursday's are as good as any to get a shit ton of work done.


Day Twenty-one

I'm sick of school already. Surprise, Surprise. I wish I would have taken more than 12 credits. Its so lame and boring. I have a ton of extra time and I really haven't been using it correctly. I know that's bad. And I should get my act together because I believe that I COULD get all A's this semester, but I just have no motivation.

I'm so sick of living with Olga I can't even begin to explain it to you. She just leaves all her shit where ever she feels like it. She has a rack of her clothes just hanging out in the hallway right now. Its been there for about 4 days. Honestly I could just throw her through a window. UGGG.

I've been just trying to avoid her at all costs. Mostly when I'm here in the apartment I keep my door closed and only come out when I HAVE TO. It sorta sucks that she's made me like a stranger in my own house, but I guess this beats having to hear her complain about everything and just her in general.

I'm moving in a single bedroom apartment next year. Tony told me tonight that he's PROBABLY not going to come down and live with me next year. Sweet so an entire year and a summer all by myself. I'm not excited. Its going to be the most depressing year of my life. At lease once it's over I'll be done with college and able to go start my real life. I wonder if he'll wanna move in with me once I graduate. I think he's got cold feet about moving out of his parents house. Its starting to worry me a lot. I can't marry someone who doesn't want to move on with their lives. He can't stay there forever, but he sure doesn't make it seem like he wants to leave any time soon.

I guess I just don't understand. When I graudated high school I couldn't wait to be out of my parents house. Although now I'm realizing just how easy I had it, I'm still glad to be on my own and doing my own thing. Its nice to go home every once and a while, but I'm ready to be done done. NO going back for the summer or anything. I'm not this year. :)

I miss it sometimes tho. How easy it was. And I understand that he doesn't want to move out because its going to be hard, but being grown up IS hard and its part of life, I don't think he's made this realization yet. And I can't marry him until this happens. I can't marry a high schooler.

Other than all this shit going on about living situations and such, my life is good. I could use a little bit more 'fun' time, but I will surfice with my quite nice study time that I've allowed myself A TON of this semester. haha

Oh today I found out that at least 6 people failed 401 last semester. That makes me feel really smart!

I got to get some sleep. Good night.

Day Twenty

Back to school early this morning. I guess going to class and doing work really beats laying around and doing nothing and feeling bad for myself. I guess that's how my life is tho. I just feel really useless these past few days. Sucks.

I wish Olga would fall off the face of the earth too. She drives me fucking nuts. Honestly I don't think she knows how to respect other people at all. I feel HORRIBLE for the people who live below us. I honestly want to go appologize for the noise that she makes all the time. SHE STOMPS when she walks. She has like OCD or something about opening and closing door, closets, drawers. She has to do it like 34 times before she stops. And she gets up at fucking crack ass of dawn and makes a boiling pot of water. This wouldn't bother me if she was just boiling water, she boils it in a SCREAMING tea pot. Its HORRIBLE! she's fucking weird too. UG. only 3 more months.

Well I'm going to go get some other work done and then get to bed.


Day Nineteent

I had no classes today. Tony had to leave this morning. Over all today sucked.

I didn't really do anything special. In fact I didn't leave this apartment. It was alright though. I got some work done. I read a few chapters for all of my classes and I watched quite a bit of TV. NICE! haha.

Tomorrow I have to go back to class. It starts a real week of homework and stuff. I have a gEECS luncheon and campus day training, but it probably won't be a very "fun" week. Whatever.

I don't have anything else to type about. pretty lame day if you ask me. and it sucked because Tony had to leave. I miss him so much already and I have 5 more days until I see him again!!! :(

Day Eighteen

Tony and I had a great night last night. We were able to get dinner and a movie in and be back here by 12 to cuddle and sleep. It was nice. We went and saw the Mall Cop movie. It was good and I laughed a lot. I was pretty annoyed through the whole movie tho because the person behind me was kicking my seat the entire movie. But because I am a wimp I wouldn't turn around and say anything. That was a good thing tho. At the end of the movie I stood up and just looked at the person behind me because I was like WHO THE FUCK would kick someone's chair the whole movie. It was a "slow" person. So I'm glad I didn't say anything. Good thing I'm a wimp.

Oh I'm pretty sure I never wrote this, but I didn't get into that history class. I was super bummed, and now i'm sorta nervous because I'm only taking 12 credits. I guess its not the end of the world because I took 18 last semester, but either I need to take some classes this summer, or I'm going to have to take quite a few credits next year. And I really don't want to do that with my senior design project and all. BOO! Looks like I'm staying in Ann Arbor this summer!

Well our day has just begun and I don't know what we are doing but It will involve cuddling and laughing till we pee. haha


Day Seventenn

I am so excited today is finally here. I LOVE the weekends. I love it cause I have someone else to be with. I love it because Tony comes down and I feel completed. I love when I can just lay in bed with someone and have the best day of my life. That's how I know for sure that he's the love of my life. I don't think I'd want to lay with anyone else in bed and just do nothing for the entire day. I love that.

When Tony got down here today we just laid around for a while. I wasn't really tired because I didn't stay up too late last night and I got quite a bit of sleep last night.

We eventually got ourselves out of bed and had a productive day of laughing and contemplating what we are going to eat for our anniversary dinner.

Finally we picked that BWW and that's what we are getting ready to do right now. I am excited because I haven't been there in a while! So it sounded good for both of us and its not like WAY expensive or anything. I think after we eat we are going to see a movie?! We'll see.

I'm going to go take a shower and get ready.

Day Sixteen

Ug, I swear every day gets more boring than the last. I feel like my life is just passing in front of me while I waste away in my bed. Its really sad. I should go do something with my life, but I don't really feel like it. There's nothing that fun TO do. Whatever.

Today I had campus day training from 2 to 4. It was alright. Met some new people that are going to be tour leaders. This kid Steven is one. I met him freshman year and we were sorta friends. Weird how small the world is even at this university that has like 40,000 people at it. Seems like I'm always running into the same people. Over and over again.

After I headed off to Borders and read some magazines for a while and then I wasn't feeling good so I came home. Now I'm here writing this.

I lead a boring life. Here it is Friday night and I'm blogging. Shows how lame I am.

But really, I don't care. Who's judging me? Honestly no one really cares what I'm doing. If I want to do this, I'll do this. If I wanted to go out, I'd go out. But no one cares. Sorta nice about going to a University with 40,000 other people. They have their own lives and don't care much about mine. Its sorta a bad thing too.

Good night.

Day Fifteen

Another day. Another boring day. Had class early this morning. I've gotten into the habit of waking up at 7:40 every day. It sorta sucks for the days when i can actually sleep in. But the days when I do need to be up its not that bad. I have also been making coffee in the morning again so that I am more productive through like 3 and then I am DEAD and wanna sleep forever. But I've realized that if I can push myself through like 5 or 6, I'm fine for the rest of the night and don't get tired again until around 12 or 1. Its weird.

Classes are going well. Nothing major starts until two weeks from now when midterms start to roll around. Then the stress will set in and I will study for hours on end. Then they will stop and it'll go back to this for a few weeks. Spring break. Midterms again. then a few weeks of nothing. THEN FINALS! and that's it. Then this semester is over and I'm free to do whatever I want for the summer. And that will probably include taking a few more classes and trying to find some decent work.

I had a lot to do today after class. James and I went over our homework for 320. I ended up going to office hours to get some stuff straightened out that I wasn't sure of. I feel better now. I actually like 320. As much as everyone said it sucked more than anything in the world, it doesn't. I enjoy this far, I 'm sure that it will get worse, but for the time being its pretty interesting.

Tomorrow I have my first campus day training. 2 to 4. Then I think I might go to borders and read some books or go to the dude and get some studying done. Not sure.

I'm gonna get going. Good night.

Day Fourteen

Today is our 4 year Anniversery. So sweet. I can't believe that we've been together for 4 years. It doesn't feel like that long, but then again it feels like we've just been together forever.

I remember the day he FINALLY asked me out again. (today 4 years ago). It was after school and we were walking out to the parking lot together so that I could drive over to the boys swim practice and he could walk home. He asked me and I said no. When I realized that he didn't understand that I was totally kidding, I felt horrible and said OF COURSE! haha. He's so cute.

We didn't kiss or really make any physical contact besides a hug at the end of the day for about a month!! Crazy to think we were like that. So young and scared. And so cute. Babies! haha

Today tho, I wasn't able to spend the day with him. He had to work and I had to do the whole school deal.

I'm sick of school already. I think its cause I really have time this semester to THINK about what's actually going on in my classes than to just throw myself at them and hope for the best. Haha. It IS a good feeling to understand the concepts and do "well" for once.

I am going to go to bed. Good night.

I love Tony so much!

Day Thirteen

Another day of school. It has been pretty boring. I am already like sick of doing the whole go to class deal. Especially so early in the morning. haha. I'm lame and need a life. I can't wait till I start giving tours and everything really gets going. Classes are really boring right now because all we are doing is going over the basics of the class, and stuff.

Well I have nothing else to write about. Its been a boring day and I can't wait till this week is over so that I can see Tony!! I miss him. :(

Day Twelve

Back to classes today. It was sorta nice to get back in the swing of things. I had class from 9 to 12:00 today. EECS 270 from 9 to 10:30 and then EECS 320 from 10:30 till 12:00. After that I went to the library and got some reading done for my history class. I haven't started doing tours yet so I didn't have anything to do. Pretty sweet.

I hope that I get into that history class because I have no idea what I'll do with myself if I only take 12 credits. That would suck ass. Ugg. I don't know it might not be so bad. I'll have a lot of extra free time and I can hang out more. I hopefully will be able to find some extra things to fill my time with. Pick up some extra tours, hang out with more people. haha

Well I'm sleepy. Later.

Day Eleven

Sunday. I hate sunday's because I know that Tomorrow another work week starts and I know that my lover has to go back to Flint town. I hate that he has to leave. I wish we could be like normal people and go to work in the morning and come home at like 6 and have the evening together. I want that, but I dunno if I'll ever get that.

We hung out in Swartz Creek for alittle bit today. I went to circuit city and actually bought that computer that I've been wanting for a while. Its so nice. I didn't open it though just put it in Tony's car and then went home and packed up to go back to Ann Arbor.

We got back down there and of course Olga was there being her nasty self. There was shit everywhere and she was doing her hyena laugh with her hidious boyfriend in her room. Annoying.

Pretty much just closed the door in her face after she said hi. Set up my computer. and Now Tony and I are just laying around hanging out.

The Framing Hanley concert was a lot of fun. We had to listen to like 20038 different suck bands before they actually came on. I liked it tho. I sorta like their music, but not like A TON. I loved when they sang the lollipop song tho! It was awesome. I recorded it too. :) Maybe I'll upload it later. Don't count on it though.

Well I'm going to go cuddle with my lover and get some sleep tonight. I love him.

Day Ten

Tony came down this morning. I was so happy to see him. I love him so much! :)

We laid around and such. Nothing special. We are so happy together and I love that. Its so cute and wonderful and omg I love him.

At about 3 we went back to Swartz Creek. We are going to see Framing Hanley tonight at the Machine Shop. It should be a lot of fun. I don't really know any of Framing Hanly's songs cept for the Lolli Pop song. But none the less it should be a good time. :)

When we got home we just hung out for a while. I love him. We ate some food items and then go ready for the concert. I sat around and talked to my mom while Tony went to his house and got ready. He's supposed to be here in a little bit so I'm going to go get changed and ready to go too.

Day Nine

I have no classes today. Pretty sweet. I don't really have anything to do today either. I just have to hang out. Its alright, but I'm sort of lonely. At least Olga isn't here right now and hopefully she doesn't come back for the rest of the night. That would be awesome because then I could have the place to myself FOREVER! :)

Next year will be nice because I won't have to deal with Olga EVER again. I will have my own place and Tony and I will be able to just live carelessly and omg I can't wait. My shit won't always be damaged and I won't have to live with the messiest person on the face of the earth. It so disgusting. She never does dishes, she just leaves everything anywhere she put it and then dirties more dishes. Ug it pisses me off.

Well I'm gonna go do some reading and then watch Tv and movies for a little bit. Later.

Day Eight

8:30 till 4 was my class schedule today. It was pretty long, but whatever. I got a lot of reading done for my history class. I sorta like being in LSA. All I have to do is read and then say my thoughts about what I read. Pretty easy. I don't have to memorize concepts and pretty much everything is very opinion based. haha. Its pretty sweet.

My IOE class seems like its going to be pretty easy. I like my EECS270 class a lot. One of the first things that the professor said was don't be fooled by the apparent simplicity of the class. Those are words I like to hear. So its not going to be hard, but I do have to keep up with the reading and such. Sweet.

EECS 320 on the other hand, well its going to be hard. The professor said that this is a class where concepts are needed to be known over just "how" to do problems and systematic crunching of numbers. haha. SUCKS.

Olga is still annoying, but I've been trying my hardest to jsut NOT be in the same place as her at the same time. Pretty much our paths don't cross. She is in my 320 class, but I don't sit with her. I sit with James and the other kids that were in our 401 class and stuff. So I don't have to listen to her and her complaints about assignments and whatnot. LAME!

Well I have a little bit more reading to get done and I suppose I am going to watch a lot of TV or something tonight. I have nothing to do tomorrow :) I am way excited about that.

Good night.

Day Seven

Today was the first day of classes. Tony left at 7 this morning. I'm going to miss him so much. I can't wait till Saturday to see him again. :) I can't wait. haha. He's so sweet and I love to be in his arms when i fall asleep at night. Its the best feeling in the world. Soon we'll be able to be together every night(cept when he has to work) I can't wait.

My first class was at 8:30 this morning. I didn't go back to sleep after Tony left so I just took a shower and got ready for the day. Class was alright. Mal and I have the class together(IOE 201). James has it too. Its pretty fun. After class I just went and hung out for a little bit and got some stuff together before my history class at 1:00. Class was alright. I'm still on the wait list, and I'm sorta nervous that I won't be able to actually register for the class. I don't know what I'll do if I don't get into the class because then I'll be at 12 credits and there really isn't any other classes that fit nicely into my schedule. I guess maybe I'll just take 12 if that happens. Hopefully it doesn't.

I came home after class to Olga and a huge mess. Of course when she comes back she brings like 300 times as much stuff as she left with and doesn't believe in putting it in her room. UGG!! I was pissed and all I wanted to do was take a nap. But she was just being loud in general. Sucked.

Well I'm exhausted and have another early day tomorrow. and Then Friday I don't have class. I love that I have no classes on Friday's this semester. haha.

Day Six

I set my alarm for 7:30 this morning and ended up waking up earlier and calling in sick to work. :) haha. I was nervous. I don't get it, I always get nervous when I call in. Like they are gonna tell me no or say I'm faking or something. But as always they just said alright and to feel better. I feel guilty because I'm really not sick, but whatever. I'm over it, its only McDonald's.

Laid around for a while thinking to myself about the upcoming semester. I need to find something to do this summer. I swear I don't have a clue what I really want to do. I'm scared. I'm worried I won't get anything and I'll end up back in Swartz Creek. :( I can't let that happen. I would suck. I do plan on staying in Ann Arbor. I'm getting a 12 month apartment so it'll be cool. But I need to do something that looks good on my resume. So far my resume is a piece of shit and it needs some experience. McDonald's isn't cutting it. haha So once I get back to school I need to figure that out.

Tony came over after he got out of work. We laid in bed and cuddled. It was weird because not since Senior year of high school have we been able to cuddle in that room together. When I was living at home my parents never let me have boys in my room. But they weren't home this morning. :)

Once we finally got up and stuff we got ready for the day. I had some laundry to get done and whatnot. Packed up all my stuff to get back to Ann Arbor. It was nice to finally have everything in one spot. I swear all my stuff has been everywhere. haha Tony came back over and we went and got smoothies from TSmoothie. They were good. We then finally came back to the house and got my stuff packed up in his jeep. We left at around 7 after my dad came home so that I could say bye.

It took us FOREVER to get back to Ann Arbor. We got stuck on the expressway because of an accident. We were honestly sitting there for over an hour. The roads were real icy. And what made it worse to sit there was the fact that I had to pee really bad. UGG

We did finally make it back. Went to Kroger and got some food for the week and then came and ate dinner. It was good. We then got ready and now were getting ready to go to bed. I love my man so much. This is going to be a long week without him.

I'll write tomorrow. Classes start tomorrow! :)

Day Five

Worked again today. Not much of a day. I just worked. Then went home and did nothing.

Ryann went back to school a few days ago so I've been pretty bored. Just hanging out and watching Gilmore Girls alone. :( Sucks.

Tomorrow I have to go back to Ann Arbor. I'm excited, but then again not at all because of my roommate. She's annoying and self-centered. Only 4 more months of her and then its DONE! :) Can't wait. Senior year will be so much better because Tony and I will be able to have our own place sorta. I mean for the most part cept he's going to be working for the better part of the week and I'll be alone, but the weekends + any days that he has a little free time, we will be together and not have to be quite or feed others dinner that we paid for. :)

Pretty lame day. I think I might call into work sick tomorrow so that I don't have to work all day (till six) and then come home and go back to Ann Arbor. I can leave earlier this way. Plus its supposed to be pretty nasty outside tomorrow night so I feel safer going back a little earlier. :)

I will write tomorrow.
Picture Time.

My Kitty. I miss her so much when I'm gone. :(

Day Four

I can't believe that I have to go back to school in two days. :( Sucks

I had to work all day today pretty much. But it wasn't bad. I was pretty happy to get out and get home and washed up. After Tony and I hung out for a while. It was fun. I love him so much! :) I honestly just can't wait to marry him and spend our lives together doing anything and everything.

We were talking about just the things we want to do in our lives. We both want travel. We both want so many things yet we just sit around and do nothing. I know after college things will be easier and we will be able to be together more and live together and just have the life we've always wanted together, but its so hard to wait. Every day that i spend sitting in my room at school or wasting away in class I think that it COULD have been one more day of my life where I could go do something exciting. I hate doing the same thing everyday. I feel like I'm not getting anything accomplished here on earth. :( SOON!

I only have 3 more semesters left of college. I can't believe how fast time has flown by. I am even more excited for these next 3 semesters to fly by. I know that's bad to say, but I am. I'm excited to start my "real" life. haha

Here's my favorite little dog, Bailey

Day Three

Third day of the year. I am finally starting to get some of my books in the mail. I think I might buy a computer. I get a refund check in 2 days from UofM and its going to be quite a bit of money ;)

I'm lame I know because I always want to get a computer. But this one WILL complete my collection for the time being. Its a desktop and its super sweet. Comes with a nice screen and everything. If I get it I think that I will install a TV Tuner on it and use it as my TV for my room. And next year I MIGHT use it in the living room as my TV... ?

So here's some images from Winter Break.

I guess I'll post some more later.

Day Two

All I did today was work. It was pretty lame. I didn't want to be there, but I just have to keep telling myself that its MONEY in the bank. It's a super easy way to get a few bucks before I go back to school and have no dollars and work like 1 hours a week and get paid like 3 dollars a pay check. haha. Keep telling myself that.

I can't believe I have to go back to school soon. IT SUCKS! haha

I hope this semester its better. I want to get all a's. I think I can honestly do it. I mean I'm taking 16 credits and 4 of those are pass fail history. so essentially I'm taking 12 credits. There is no reason that I can't do well cause I have so much more time to study.

I'm gonna go order my books. Hope they get here before I go back.
:-/ Should have done this sooner.


Day One

Today's the first day of the year. It started off nicely. I was with Tony. We hung out and had a good time last night. Mostly just laid around but that was fine by me. I worked for the majority of the day yesterday so I was sorta tired.

Tony has to work today so we weren't up too late last night. I don't have to work today which sucked because I felt like I could have done more last night but couldn't because he had to work today. Such is life.

We had a family get together today at our house. It was nice. I didn't see everyone for Christmas Eve because 1 i was at Tony's and 2 everyone was sick so hardly anyone went to Christmas Eve. So it was like we had that family get together today. :-) It was a good time.

Mostly played the Wii with Ryann and her boyfriend Bryan (haha). Fun day.

I missed Tony. Its gonna suck going back to school and never seeing him until weekends. And I have an easier schedule this semester comeing up because I KILLED myself last semester.

Well seems like a nice start to a new year. 2009. Oh man. one more year!

Later Days