Tuesday: Have class from 8:30 till 10:30 and then I spend about 3 to 5 hours in the EECS 270 lab finishing everything up so I don't have to attend my lab. My lab runs from 4:30 to 7:30 so I just would rather get everything done early and head home and sleep for a few hours before I have to start cracking down on other homework. If i was there till seven at night I would not want to do anything after. So this works out better.
gEECS is having a pizza house dinner on February 9th. It should be a fun time. I hope people end up coming. haha. That reminds me, I need to make the reservations. I hate talking to people on the phone. I'm such a wimp. And I'm super lame.
I did a lot of homework and reading again today. I'm pretty sure that's all I do with my life anymore. I go to class. I take naps and then I read and do homework for HOURS. I guess I really have nothing else to do with my time and I might as well do that.
I am going to go sleep now.
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