Day Twenty-eight

Wednesday. Hump day. Almost to the weekend. I like Wednesday's tho because they are pretty busy and I have class like all day. So I don't have a lot of down time that I don't know what to do with. So its nice.

Mal and I got together and studied a lot for the IOE exam that we have tomorrow. I don't think that it will be that hard. I don't really like that class, its pretty boring, but its not hard at all. I don't think I need to study like super hard for th exam or anything. I went to the library for a few hours today to type up my cheat sheet for the exam. That's another reason its going to be so easy because we get an entire page of notes on it too.

I feel like when I do have a cheat sheet on exams I never use them. I think it just helps me in the study process to write down all the things that I think are important that may be on the exam. So its nice. I feel good when I have a cheat sheet too... just incase. Security. haha

Other than doing that today I haven't done much. Talked to Tony for a while. I miss him a lot already. He's working right now so we weren't really able to talk a ton. I understand that he's working tho so it really doesn't bother me a TON. but it does suck to be in the middle of a conversation and then he has to go. I love him!

Well I don't have anything else to write about. Should probably go get some sleep so that I'm not tired tomorrow for the exam SUPER early. haha
