Day Four

I can't believe that I have to go back to school in two days. :( Sucks

I had to work all day today pretty much. But it wasn't bad. I was pretty happy to get out and get home and washed up. After Tony and I hung out for a while. It was fun. I love him so much! :) I honestly just can't wait to marry him and spend our lives together doing anything and everything.

We were talking about just the things we want to do in our lives. We both want travel. We both want so many things yet we just sit around and do nothing. I know after college things will be easier and we will be able to be together more and live together and just have the life we've always wanted together, but its so hard to wait. Every day that i spend sitting in my room at school or wasting away in class I think that it COULD have been one more day of my life where I could go do something exciting. I hate doing the same thing everyday. I feel like I'm not getting anything accomplished here on earth. :( SOON!

I only have 3 more semesters left of college. I can't believe how fast time has flown by. I am even more excited for these next 3 semesters to fly by. I know that's bad to say, but I am. I'm excited to start my "real" life. haha

Here's my favorite little dog, Bailey