Day Twenty-one

I'm sick of school already. Surprise, Surprise. I wish I would have taken more than 12 credits. Its so lame and boring. I have a ton of extra time and I really haven't been using it correctly. I know that's bad. And I should get my act together because I believe that I COULD get all A's this semester, but I just have no motivation.

I'm so sick of living with Olga I can't even begin to explain it to you. She just leaves all her shit where ever she feels like it. She has a rack of her clothes just hanging out in the hallway right now. Its been there for about 4 days. Honestly I could just throw her through a window. UGGG.

I've been just trying to avoid her at all costs. Mostly when I'm here in the apartment I keep my door closed and only come out when I HAVE TO. It sorta sucks that she's made me like a stranger in my own house, but I guess this beats having to hear her complain about everything and just her in general.

I'm moving in a single bedroom apartment next year. Tony told me tonight that he's PROBABLY not going to come down and live with me next year. Sweet so an entire year and a summer all by myself. I'm not excited. Its going to be the most depressing year of my life. At lease once it's over I'll be done with college and able to go start my real life. I wonder if he'll wanna move in with me once I graduate. I think he's got cold feet about moving out of his parents house. Its starting to worry me a lot. I can't marry someone who doesn't want to move on with their lives. He can't stay there forever, but he sure doesn't make it seem like he wants to leave any time soon.

I guess I just don't understand. When I graudated high school I couldn't wait to be out of my parents house. Although now I'm realizing just how easy I had it, I'm still glad to be on my own and doing my own thing. Its nice to go home every once and a while, but I'm ready to be done done. NO going back for the summer or anything. I'm not this year. :)

I miss it sometimes tho. How easy it was. And I understand that he doesn't want to move out because its going to be hard, but being grown up IS hard and its part of life, I don't think he's made this realization yet. And I can't marry him until this happens. I can't marry a high schooler.

Other than all this shit going on about living situations and such, my life is good. I could use a little bit more 'fun' time, but I will surfice with my quite nice study time that I've allowed myself A TON of this semester. haha

Oh today I found out that at least 6 people failed 401 last semester. That makes me feel really smart!

I got to get some sleep. Good night.