Day Two

All I did today was work. It was pretty lame. I didn't want to be there, but I just have to keep telling myself that its MONEY in the bank. It's a super easy way to get a few bucks before I go back to school and have no dollars and work like 1 hours a week and get paid like 3 dollars a pay check. haha. Keep telling myself that.

I can't believe I have to go back to school soon. IT SUCKS! haha

I hope this semester its better. I want to get all a's. I think I can honestly do it. I mean I'm taking 16 credits and 4 of those are pass fail history. so essentially I'm taking 12 credits. There is no reason that I can't do well cause I have so much more time to study.

I'm gonna go order my books. Hope they get here before I go back.
:-/ Should have done this sooner.