I'm so glad today has come and almost went. I had a ton of homework due today and now its all off my plate and I can breathe. Very nice feeling. I do have a few more assignments till the end of the semester, but over all its almost over! :)

I'm bored right now. I should be doing my Linear Algebra homework. I should, but I'm not. I did like 5 problems and decided that I really didn't feel like doing that. Now I'm watching Grey's Anatomy and typing here, both of which are not any type of school work or studying. And the REALLY sad thing is that I'm STILL worrying all about all the stuff that I have to cram in my brain before all of my exams next week and the week after. I'm so nervous for them. Especially 401. I'm so scared, yet I'm sitting here not doing any work and worrying. I'm accomplishing nothing.

Ugg, I just need winter break. Then I will feel MUCH better. I will be able to come back to this place and learn again. I will be able to get my homework done in a timely manner, and I will have a MUCH easier course load next semester. For one, I only have 2 eecs classes and neither of those is EECS 401 which is the HARDEST eecs class there is(apparently). And I have a pass/fail history class, and an IOE class. Plus no classes on Friday. Oh my life will be a happy one next semester.

I've been thinking I might join Phi Sigma Rho next semester. It's the girls Engineering Soriety. It sounds like fun and it'd allow me to meet girls in engineering besides annoying Olga! :( *thumbs down*. So I've been thinking I might do that.

Well I don't have much else to write about. I really should get back to my homework and stop worrying. Everything will eventually work out. I'm sure it will.
