Day Eighteen

Today was a quite lengthy day. First off I had class at nine and didn't want to be there at all. I hate my 270 class cause the professor is just annoying.

After that class I had 320 lecture which was just a question answer session. Didn't really learn much. I feel I have that class pretty much down... so I am pretty sure that I'll do fine on the exam tomorrow.

After that I went to the geecs luncheon. Lame. Ate some food. Then I went and worked with James on 270 homework. We finished that up. Hung out for a while. Was bored. Then went to discussion at 3:30. That was sort of a waste of my day too cause it was just pretty much another question answer session for the exam thrusday night. And since I already feel pretty okay about that, it really wasn't that insiteful.

Went to the library after discussion to study for my IOE final that is tomorrow morning. I think I honestly have to get like a 20 percent to get a B in that class. So I KNOW I'm not going to get a 20 percent so I don't feel too bad about it, but I still feel the need to study and get some practice problems in. hgaglfsalfdj

Now I'm home and pretty bored. I don't really know what else to write about...... I think i might just go to bed since I have another long day a head of me tomorrow.
