unfortenutely Tony had to leave this morning. I honestly HATE Monday mornings. I don't like to see him leave and I always miss him SO much. I think Monday's and Thursdays are my least favorite days of the week.
Today for the most part was pretty boring. Its my last Monday before break tho! :) Sweet for that. I'm so ready for Spring Break I can't even start to tell you. Really!
I had a tour today. Pretty boring. Went back to the apartment after that and just sorta hung out for the night. Didn't really do any work or really get things done. I really should have done more to prepare for my EECS 320 exam that I have on Thursday night. :( I hope I'll do well on it... Hope.
Also on Thursday morning I have my IOE 201 exam. I think that I'll do alright on that. Hopefully pull off an A in that class.!! .:fingers crossed:.
Ug, I have nothing else to write about and I'm getting way sleepy so I think that I am going to get some sleep.
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