It was back to classes today. I don't like having such a long break in between classes because I feel like I forget everything. I mean Christmas break isn't bad because classes have ended and I don't have to remember anything when I come back because its a new semester, but after spring break I have to come back and remember everything.
SWEET day back at classes though. We got our EECS 320 exams back. I did SWEET! I guess I'm pretty decent at the stuff in that class. I got a 92!! :) I was so excited. The median was like a 70 too. Totally rocked it. I really enjoy that class. I think its the first EECS class that I have felt 100% comfortable in. I always feel like "when is this class going to get harder" It hasn't yet. So I'm excited because its like half over and I still haven't got the feeling like I have in past eecs classes (401) like WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!!! yeah, so I'm excited about that.
Had to give a tour today for Campus day too. It was decent because most high schools are on spring break now or getting there, so the groups were big. I liked it though. I tend to like bigger groups better because I don't feel like I have to cater to just to that one group!
Well I am gonna get going. I'll write later.
Ah, a start to a new month. My last FULL month of my college junior year. I can't believe how fast time flies. I love it tho. I can't wait to be out of this apartment because Olga is honestly THE most annoying person in the world. I don't think she knows how to talk about anything except for herself. No matter what she will bring any conversation back around to her and how HORRID her life is. Its so lame. I just can't wait till I don't have to deal with it any more.
But anyway, Tony and I came back here yesterday. We lazied around and had a good time. It was decent. Today we pretty much just did laundry and went to the store. Had to get some new food and stuff since the food in the fridge was like gone since I had a week off and everything. I decided to divide the fridge up since Olga doesn't get it that when I purchase food it is for me. I've tired putting my name on it and then she got all offended saying she NEVER touched my food. (bull shit!!!) So maybe this will deter her even more from touching my things.
Either she's like the dumbest person in the entire world, or she honestly thinks its okay to eat others food even if she spend NO money on it. Lame.
Well I am excited for the rest of the night. Cuddling and falling fast asleep in my babes arms. Can't wait!! :)