It was back to classes today. I don't like having such a long break in between classes because I feel like I forget everything. I mean Christmas break isn't bad because classes have ended and I don't have to remember anything when I come back because its a new semester, but after spring break I have to come back and remember everything.
SWEET day back at classes though. We got our EECS 320 exams back. I did SWEET! I guess I'm pretty decent at the stuff in that class. I got a 92!! :) I was so excited. The median was like a 70 too. Totally rocked it. I really enjoy that class. I think its the first EECS class that I have felt 100% comfortable in. I always feel like "when is this class going to get harder" It hasn't yet. So I'm excited because its like half over and I still haven't got the feeling like I have in past eecs classes (401) like WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!!! yeah, so I'm excited about that.
Had to give a tour today for Campus day too. It was decent because most high schools are on spring break now or getting there, so the groups were big. I liked it though. I tend to like bigger groups better because I don't feel like I have to cater to just to that one group!
Well I am gonna get going. I'll write later.
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