April 17th, 2009

I don't know what is up with me lately. I've been having the strangest dreams in the world and I wake up and actually feel like they have happened. Physically even. Like the other night I had this dream that for some reason I had to climb this HUGE sand dune and it was taking me forever. People were screaming for me to climb faster and I just couldn't do it. I woke up and felt worn out and my legs KILLED. It was strange.

I haven't really been sleeping too well either. That may have to do with some of the strange dreams, but more its because olga is fricken annoying and all she wants to do is sit in my room and complain about her ex boyfriend that dumped her over a month ago. I have a ton of shit to get done and I tell her that but she doesn't care she just keeps talking and talking and talking. Its fricken annoying.

So for the past few days I've just come home closed my door and locked it and got stuff done. Then once I have a reasonable amount done I'll come out, cook some dinner, and get ready for bed. When she starts to talk to me I act extremely exhausted and then say that i'm gonna go to bed. I know this is like a bitch move, but I'm just exhausted and can't take hearing the same exact story over and over again.

