I woke up this morning feeling sort of crappy. As the day progressed I started to feel better. I'm hoping it was just dinner or something that made me sick feeling. Hopefully.

We went to Target. Got some Lights for my living room. It needed something. It's so bland. Then we ran across the street to Meijer to buy some groceries. I got some yummy Sushi. YUM.

At 2 pm I had a review session for EECS 452. I have an exam in that class on Wednesday. I dont' know what to expect at all. That class is sort of weird.

I came home once that was done. Tony and I spent some time together. He had some studying to do for his class. So I just surfed around on the internet while he did that. I made dinner and he did the laundry. I love our Sunday nights. They are so cute and wonderful.

I need to get some sleep. Long day tomorrow.