Not an eventful day. I had to give a tour at 1:30. It went well and got over quickly. Luckily it's been pretty warm out these past few tours I've given. I am not really looking forward to winter tours. I hate walking in and out of the cold and never wanting to take my coat off even if I'm super hot. Winter tours are the worst.

After giving my tour I went home and packed some stuff for the weekend. Tony came home and got me. We headed up to Swartz Creek. it was nice to see my family. The puppy is getting so big! She's super cute! :)

I do not have any clue what Tony and I are going to do tonight back here in our hometown. Sometimes when we come home, it's like we've never even left and we are still 17 years old. It's a great feeling, a eerie but great feeling. Sometimes we will be sitting on my parents couch and I will honestly forget that the last 4 years we've been gone and things have changed so much. It's nice, sometimes, to go back and remember the times when life was different. However, I think I like it better now. Actually, I know I do.