Michigan game with my dad this morning was a lot of fun. My dad came down at like 9am. We left by 9:30 and headed down to the stadium. It was a noon game. We sat further up than my real seats because it was easier to see that way. My seats are sweet cause the are row 2, but it is sort of hard to see for me because I am so short and there are TALL people in front of me. :( Michigan ended up losing. Sad.

After the game I went to Swartz Creek with my dad. It was nice to see my family. Hung out with the dogs and talked with my mom. I am getting nervous for my Stryker interview next Friday. I just really hope that I get the job. I don't really know what to expect?

Well I am going to hang out with my family and have some dinner.

I had a lot of homework to get done last night. I was up late and scrambling to get it done because I didn't start early enough. I really do not like doing that, but I've been procrastination a lot these last few days and it really caught up with me last night. I hate procrastination and I want to stop. Being up last last night made it really hard to get up early this morning to go turn in the homework i worked so hard on. Luckily I made it to class on time.

After class I came home and had some yummy lunch. At 2:30 I had to go give a tour. That was super easy. Almost NO talking. Just hung out and listened to other people talk. and I got paid for it. Pretty sweet deal.

Now I'm home. Getting some more work done (it never ends i swear). I have cleaned and made some dinner. Tomorrow with my dad should be fun. Well I better get some sleep. I'm tired.


Thrusday's are honestly the most boring day of the week. I really wish that instead of having class late in the day, I had it early. That way I'd have to be up and would end up getting a lot of work done after class. But I have class late, I sleep in and get nothing done. I suppose if I had more motivation I would actually get up early and get work done. But that never happens. It sucks.

Tomorrow I have my parents weekend tour all afternoon. It will be nice because all I have to do is like transport people from place to place and I don't have to give a "real" tour. I like those kind of tours because then I don't have to do a lot of talking. As much as I enjoy giving tours, there are days when I just do not feel like it. And tomorrow will probably be one of those days.

Also, I have a ton of 452 homework to get done. I really need to start studying for my interview. I do not want to look like an idiot. They will not hire me if that is the case. UG.


I had to give a presentation in EECS452 this morning. It was no big deal. My group just had to explain how we are going to do everything we propose to do in our project. We really need to start to work on our project because at our meeting last night we sort of realized how difficult it is really going to be. I'm nervous but very excited for the project. I just can't believe I am already a senior and already doing my final project. It just doesn't seem real these days.

I'm nervous for my interview next Friday with Stryker! :( I hope that I do not screw up and I hope that I get the job!. That would be amazing. I don't want to get my hopes up too high though. Blah.

I am excited for Saturday. My dad is going to the game with me. It should be fun. I don't know if we will win, but it will be fun.

I need to go to sleep. Good night.

Since the lab is still broken/under maintenance from the power outage on the engineering campus that happened last week, my clean-room class was canceled this morning. I love working in the clean room so I was sort of sad. I was happy because I didn't have to get up really early, but I was sad because I do enjoy the work we do in there. Also I always feel very motivated after the lab so I always get a TON of work done if I go over to the library after lab. So instead of getting a ton done today like I usually do on Tuesday's, I slept in and felt lazy.

I had a meeting today for my senior design project. We got quite a bit of things figured out and wrote our proposal for the project that's due this week. It was a good meeting.

I found out that my on-site interview with Stryker is on Friday the 13th from 9:15 AM until 1:45 PM. It's with 6 different managers also. Talk about being nervous. Holy crap. There are 4 women that I am interviewing with, however. Pretty cool.

I got quite a bit of homework done after my meeting. It felt good.

Now I just got home and I have some Chicken Pasta Alfredo cooking. It smells good, and I think it's done.


I had no desire to do anything school related today. I have SO much to get done in these next few weeks. I have about 6 weeks of the semester left and I have a LOT of work. My entire senior design project needs to start and needs to get done in these next 6 weeks. I really hope that our project works and is cool. That would be exciting. I am just praying that we can get it done in ample time and do not have to be scrambling to finish things on December 9th (the night before the Design Expo/Due date of the project). It's going to be quite a bit of work.

Tony had to leave for work this morning. I hate it when he has to leave for the week. It's just sad because I know it's going to be a long week without him. I just don't like not being able to see him and kiss him good night. And plus I worry about him while he's at work. After being shot at last summer, it's hard thinking that he's safe at work. I just try not to dwell on it. Really that would make me crazy. So most of the time I try to think about all the good he's doing and try to block out all the bad that could be happening. It works for the most part. I just can't wait till Saturday morning when he comes back.

I have a lot of motivation to do school work right now. It's weird. Perhaps I will go write part of my lab report that's due soon. Later.

Tony and I decided to come back to Ann Arbor last night after the wedding. We went and watched movies at our friend Lauren's house. It was a fun evening. We didn't go out because we figured everywhere would be packed and didn't feel like trying to beat the crowds and such. It was a very nice night in with friends and movies. :)

Today was very nice and relaxing. We have been engaged for one year today. It's really hard to believe that it's been a year already. Time is flying sooo fast. We pretty much laid around for the better part of the day. We had to go to Borders :). Got some coffee and looked at Magazines. It was fun. Went shopping at Urban. Got a sweet wallet for five dollars.

We had dinner at pizza house. Tony and I got fruity drinks! :) He told me we were lame. But I love our lameness. We didn't get carded. First time for me. I'm 22 years old and I get carded even at rated R movies. So it was crazy that our waiter didn't even thing twice about carding us. haha. I suppose I'm getting old? OH NO!

Tony is now doing laundry. I'm putting away the groceries and getting things ready for the week that starts tomorrow. BLAH!

Good night