Since the lab is still broken/under maintenance from the power outage on the engineering campus that happened last week, my clean-room class was canceled this morning. I love working in the clean room so I was sort of sad. I was happy because I didn't have to get up really early, but I was sad because I do enjoy the work we do in there. Also I always feel very motivated after the lab so I always get a TON of work done if I go over to the library after lab. So instead of getting a ton done today like I usually do on Tuesday's, I slept in and felt lazy.

I had a meeting today for my senior design project. We got quite a bit of things figured out and wrote our proposal for the project that's due this week. It was a good meeting.

I found out that my on-site interview with Stryker is on Friday the 13th from 9:15 AM until 1:45 PM. It's with 6 different managers also. Talk about being nervous. Holy crap. There are 4 women that I am interviewing with, however. Pretty cool.

I got quite a bit of homework done after my meeting. It felt good.

Now I just got home and I have some Chicken Pasta Alfredo cooking. It smells good, and I think it's done.