My brain is fried. Spring break starts tomorrow. Thank goodness. I still have a ton of stuff I have to get done over the next week so really i shouldn't be calling it a break and I should be that excited about it. But it will be nice however to have all the time during the days to get some work done and not have to worry about going to class and getting assignments done. I"m happy about that. Plus I"ll be home for a little while and that will be alright. I really need to find some employment for the summer, but it might be a little early in the semester.
I am pretty sure that I will not pass eecs280. I have no idea how to program and I feel like there is no explaination in class, which sucks. I feel like more than half of that class already knows how to program and so the teacher just expects that everyone else does too. i hate that class more than anything in the world. ug. and i have this huge monoploy project due pretty much the day i get back from spring break and that same week i have an exam in that class. Thank you 280 for ruining my spring break before it even started. whatever i have a week to get my ass in shape in that class pretty much.
Also i'd like to reorginize all of my notes for 216 and that that under control.
Ug its going to be a long break.
But i have to survive the rest of today(lab tonight) and tomorrow(campus day) with out killing anybody(including me). then i will be home and ready to get some major work done.
I will write later.
So another day of complaints about everything in the world. i don't know how much more of this can take. Everything is something to complain about. I really just want to look at her and say WHO CARES! The other day it was about a grade she got on a TECHNICAL writing paper; she started it off with hi. NO REASON to complain about a low grade on a tech paper when you start it out with hi. its supposed to be at least a little bit formal.
whatever I'm totally over the complaints. Its really bothering me. REALLY!
But I suppose I do my fair share of complaining, heck I'm doing it right now, but I don't feel the need as she does to express it to everyone vocally! Its driving me up the walls.
I'm in a rut right now about Engineering. Part of me wants it, the other part doesn't and test scores are proving to me that it is hard i need to study and putting off homework and procrastination does nothing. I hate this. I really have no drive for school right now and I'm so burnt out. All i really want is to get married and settle down. But i realize for that to at all be pleasurable I have to make it through college with some sort of degree, even if I'm the last in my class(which i doubt). I really just want these next two years of school to sort of fly by. And I need to find some technical work this summer. SUCK ASS
My life is looking less and less fun every day that I wake up.
Speaking of things to do.. I have quite the list going.
1. start/finish my 280 project.
2. understand my mistakes on 216 exam.(i suck!)
3. get my prelab(216) done and done well.
4. finish math homework.
5. have some me time.
6. hang out with sister and friend this weekend.
and i'm sure i could go on and on, but I don't want to because I don't want to realize just how much i really have to do.
well I will write again when the feeling calls.
I'm getting so sick of her complaining every single day about stupid things that don't even matter. Today she came in and told me that there was a girl sitting in front of her that was on facebook "all class period" and that it really made her mad and stuff. And how "rude" it was.
I don't get it, why does that even bother her and if it does why does she always have to feel like she needs to tell me. I pretty much just threw it back in her face this time that it doesn't matter, that girl is here paying and she can do anything she wants. I told og that it shouldn't bother her and if its that big of a problem move some place else. the conversation just sort of ended there.
This has been happening a lot lately. She will just complain pretty much to complain. I swear that's all she does. And her excuse for just about everything is that eecs is so hard and "I have eecs ". Yeah its hard. But really is that an excuse for doing bad in another class? No. Not at all. Never once have i used the excuse that I have an couple hard Engineering classes that's why I'm doing bad in my german class or whatever(i'm doing far from bad in german actually). But its just so annoying.
UG. She needs a fricken journal or something and not me.
on a lighter note, classes are good and my life is alright. I was sick yesterday and last night and I'm still not feeling wonderful today, but I think i'm getting better. Being sick is the worst. I can't pay attention in class when I'm sick and on top of that all i want to do is sleep. so I dont get anything done. :( whatever.
... I dont' know what else to write about in this new blog.
Its for me. No one knows about it and I doubt anyone will ever read this.(if you do please let me know). I have always wanted to write for someone, but just a few weeks ago I realize that I really want to write for myself. I need someplace where I can go and just complain and write my feelings. Its really nice because I know no one will ever hear it and I don't have to annoy people with my daily complaints. So here it is.