I'm getting so sick of her complaining every single day about stupid things that don't even matter. Today she came in and told me that there was a girl sitting in front of her that was on facebook "all class period" and that it really made her mad and stuff. And how "rude" it was.

I don't get it, why does that even bother her and if it does why does she always have to feel like she needs to tell me. I pretty much just threw it back in her face this time that it doesn't matter, that girl is here paying and she can do anything she wants. I told og that it shouldn't bother her and if its that big of a problem move some place else. the conversation just sort of ended there.

This has been happening a lot lately. She will just complain pretty much to complain. I swear that's all she does. And her excuse for just about everything is that eecs is so hard and "I have eecs ". Yeah its hard. But really is that an excuse for doing bad in another class? No. Not at all. Never once have i used the excuse that I have an couple hard Engineering classes that's why I'm doing bad in my german class or whatever(i'm doing far from bad in german actually). But its just so annoying.

UG. She needs a fricken journal or something and not me.

on a lighter note, classes are good and my life is alright. I was sick yesterday and last night and I'm still not feeling wonderful today, but I think i'm getting better. Being sick is the worst. I can't pay attention in class when I'm sick and on top of that all i want to do is sleep. so I dont get anything done. :( whatever.

... I dont' know what else to write about in this new blog.

Its for me. No one knows about it and I doubt anyone will ever read this.(if you do please let me know). I have always wanted to write for someone, but just a few weeks ago I realize that I really want to write for myself. I need someplace where I can go and just complain and write my feelings. Its really nice because I know no one will ever hear it and I don't have to annoy people with my daily complaints. So here it is.