New task. Write every day for a month.

I'm hoping this personal assignment will help me think better and let some of my stress get out. I feel like I was a better person when I was writing so I think that is what I need to do. At least for this month.

It's December. I have 4 final exams coming up these next few weeks. I'm not really excited about that. I hate doing homework and studying and getting all stressed out for exams. It hurts me. And it makes me just feel like an idiot because I'm not smart enough. :-( I know I should just stay calm about all of this, so I feel like writing about how dumb/unprepared I am will allow me to not worry so much in my head because it will be out on paper I dunno?

I am sooooo done with living with my roommate. She's honestly the worst person to live with. I'm surprised I even lasted this long. I know I probably do things that bother her, but I think that NO ONE could live with her and ENJOY it. She's extremely messy. I don't think she's ever been taught to do any house work. Even though she says that she's done certain things before, I have to doubt every word she says. She's a slob. That's that.

Every day she insists on putting all of her shit in the living room/dining room and studying there. So I've pretty much retreated to my bedroom because the rest of our apartment is a trashed pig sty. Its gross. And since she's "studying" everywhere in this apartment I can't watch TV out there, and when Tony is here we have to hang out in my room because she's taking up the rest of this place. Its really annoying.

And on top of that she's ALWAYS eating my food. Tony and I will go out and buy some stuff for US for dinner. We will come in with a grocery bag and she will just go through it like I bought all that food for her. HONESTLY!? I just give her dirty looks now and she doesn't really do it as much. But she still expects Tony and I to feed her. If we are making dinner she will ask what we are having and pretty much sit down at the table waiting for us to serve her(that is if we can even sit at the table since her shit is always all over it). Its just really annoying.

I haven't got the guts to tell her i am NOT living with her next year. She thinks that we are gonna live together. She hasn't really said anything lately so I'm sorta just hoping that she will come to me and say she doesn't wanna live with me either. *Crossing my fingers for that* But I know I need to tell her so that she can find a place for her dirty self next year. I feel bad for her next roommate. :( poor person.

I am gonna get a one bedroom next year. If Tony gets the job for Detroit EMS then he will probably move down here with me. Other wise he will live with me part time and we will be able to just be SOOOOOO happy together. I cannot wait for next year.

I am nervous for summer tho. I'm scared that I won't be able to get an internship or anything. I guess I could just stay in Ann Arbor and take summer classes. I might have to to graduate on time. We'll see.

I need to go do a ton of homework and studying. I'm starting early this semester :)

Later Friend.