10 more minutes

I am working the front desk in Lurie right now. Like always. I've been here since 12 and its been a LONG day. Almost all of the offices on North Campus are closed today for a staff retreat so nothing has really happened. There were a few calls and a few people asking for directions and such but definitely a very very slow day.

So I've been extremely bored. I'm actually pretty surprised that I haven't updated sooner. haha, be glad I suppose.

Tonight I'm going home to hang out and see the puppies. My dad is coming down to get me at like 8:30 so I have a little down time to get my apartment cleaned up and stuff. I'm also going home this weekend because my cousins wedding shower is on Sunday and I think that my mom would die if I didn't go. Plus I don't want to be the loser of the family that didn't go to the wedding shower, especially since I'm going to be having on next year. OMG!

I'm so excited to get married, but I think Tony is getting a little apprehensive. I don't really know why because its like a year away. I guess its because I am annoying. That's what I've decided. I am too needy toward him and I am going to stop. No longer will I expect him to come down or hang out with me. He will on his own time. I have other things to fill my voided time with anyway. :( I guess.

These past two days were good though because we had been fighting over the weekend. So we decided we were sorry for whatever we had been fighting about and then had a good mid-week. :) He's cute.

Now its gonna be the weekend. I'm happy for that. Next week is going to be the longest week on the face of the earth. I start my new web site job, I work every day for touring, and I have to get together with a group to do a presentation for my Soc class. SICK and I think I have an exam in my Anthro class. I really wish I would not have taken summer classes. Or at least not taken these summer classes.

Well I am gonna get going, my shift is out in 5 minutes!! woot