Home Sweet Home

We got back from Florida on Wednesday night. As fun as the vacation was, I was happy to be home and get back to all my routines and things. Overall the vacation was a ton of fun and I'm so glad that we had the opportunity to do it! :)

Here are some pictures from the rest of our trip:
Side of the fountain.
Neat fountain at the Sandpearl Resort.

View out of our balcony
This was the view from our room.

A pirate ship!  haha
Here's a pirate ship we saw! :)

These birds made me laugh.

All the kids at dinner
All of the "kids" at dinner.

Sweet clowds
Cool looking clouds

Sunset on the beach.
Beach Sunset. SO pretty

Out to dinner for the last night
Dinner for the last night

Gelato for the first time YUM
My first time having Gelato.. YUM

Sweet Night Time Pic my sister took
Night on the beach.

It was a great trip. Now I am just getting ready for the holiday weekend. Then on Tuesday I will be starting my job!! Exciting!!
