Time Warp

So I was reading my livejournal (remember those?!) from like 10th grade and I found this. I thought it was cute so I want to redo the entire survey(while leaving my old answers) so you can meet the angsty 16 year old Jordan as well as the me you know now. So sit back and get ready for some laughs.

New answers are bolded.

Who was your teacher: Mrs. Fraser
Who was your best friend: Ashely Thomas (my mom baby sat her. I wasn't really friends with anyone in my class)
Who did you have a crush on: hmm..I dont really think I had one.
Something random: I never wanted to do my work and I always got in trouble and had to sit in time out because I made fun of the kids around me. I was a mean child.

First Grade
Who was your teacher: Mrs. Gilbert
Who was your best friend: Amber Ferguson *werid that were now related*
Who did you have a crush on: Andy something.. and this Chad kid that moved.
Something random: Well I dont really remember first grade. Cept that we had to do reading in small groups and Amber was in my group.. weird.

Second Grade
Who was your teacher: Mrs. Cruz
Who was your best friend: Amber Ferguson
Who did you have a crush on: Tyler Waugh
Something random: I had to sit in the corner a lot b/c I talked too much and Didn't get my work done. Amber and I would randomly get in fights... like physical fights. lol.

(I was in second grade twice b/c I wasn't "mature" enough for 3rd grade. I am extremely happy that I got held back b/c Look how damn smart I am now.. haha)
Second Grade
Who was your teacher: Mrs. Hernandez
Who was your best friend: Tiffany Ortiz
Who did you have a crush on: Aaron Jeffery and Robby Metcalf
Something random: During recess my "group" would always swing on the swings and yell at each other b/c we were in each others "showers"

Third Grade
Who was your teacher: Mrs. Beckman
Who was your best friend: Tiffany Ortiz, Taryn Ferris, Ashley Hamilton
Who did you have a crush: Tony Tenerelli(he goes by nick now), Aaron Jeffery
Something random: Tony was my first boyfriend. He was so sweet. lol. And then I started to like Aaron J again b/c we had to work together to make Lego Robots. I also got all a's. I think this is when I found out that I was smart. I got chicken pox right after spring break which extended my break by like another 6 or 7 days. I was sooo sick.

Fourth Grade
Who was your teacher: Mrs. Hyldahl
Who was your best friend: Taryn Ferris
Who did you have a crush on: Mike Bright
Something random: Everyone was running for student council, they had made signs and stuff. I decided ten minutes before I had to make the speech that I was gonna run. I made my speech and was picked. Mike Bright was the other one picked. Nicole Grant thought I should date mike bright so we went out. It was an awesome year. My second Favorite. I also remember the summer after 4th grade my family went on this huge canoe trip with Taryn's family and Mike's family. I was so exited that my boyfriend was camping with me. I am pretty sure this is the year that I started writing stories and sort of keeping a journal.

Fifth Grade
Who was your teacher: Mr. Thorne
Who was your best friend: Taryn Ferris.
Who did you have a crush on: Mike Bright, and at the end Aaron Jeffery.
Something random: Wonderful Year. Didn't learn much. Played outside a lot. During recess we would hid in the corner and play truth or dare. It was also the year that Joey had his Halloween party and we all played spin the bottle. Tony Tenerelli was my first kiss on the lips. And Mike and I broke up after like a year b/c Aaron Jeffery lived down the street and stuff got hot and heavy(kissing!) I got my name on this plaque because I got all a's for all of elementary school. I was so excited. I believe this is when I started to get a big head about being "smart". I was so scared when 5th grade ended because I had to go to middle school... scary!

Sixth Grade
Who were your teachers: Mrs. Corbat, Mrs. Gary(sorta), Mr. Hockin, Ms. Conlen, Mrs. Chiano
Who was your best friend: Krystal Harlow
Who did you have a crush on: Ben Plum, Danny Carpenter and Todd Alvies(sp?)
Something random: I was such a dork in 6th grade. But I was cool? I went out with Ben the day I met him. Lol. Danny Carpenter and I both took bathroom breaks so that he could kiss me. awe. I started keeping a daily journal in december of 6th grade. I also remember in math I was able to solve algebra problems and my math teacher was stunned. I met Mallory this year and we had a lot of fun together both at church and in science class. I danced with a boy for the first time at a "fun night". It was Brian McDounough. Who would have known that I would be engaged to his best friend? haha Over all it was a very fun and interesting year.

Seventh Grade
Who were your teachers: Mrs Barta/Mrs Tally (Maternity leave sub), Mr. Dutcher, Ms. Hendrick, Mrs. Loucks/Mr Lindsay (Maternity Leave sub) Gym teachers and stuff
Who was your best friend: Krystal Harlow
Who did you have a crush on: Tony Simpson, Brad Cutter, Todd Alvies, Ben at the end of the year
Something random: Really strange year. I played Basketball? Mr. Linsday was the DUMBEST person on the face of the earth. Mal, Jac, Steph and I started to get closer. The FIGHT between all the girls! I can't remember what the FIGHT between all the girls was, but back in 2004 it still must have had a place in my memory. I don't really remember much of 7th grade. Honestly it was the least memorable year of middle school. I do think that I fell in love with Ben Plum at the end of the year. I got my first real kiss too. In my basement with Ben. We were watching Sleepy Hallow. Oh yeah I went to Cedar Point for the first time too. I guess it was a pretty dec year!

Eighth Grade
Who were your teachers: Mr. Croel, Mrs. Gutterage/Mr. T(maternity leave sub), Mrs Bush, Mrs Olsen, Mrs Silpoch/Mr. Tatroe(maternity leave sub)
Who was your best friend: Erin Lynch and Becca Look
Who did you have a crush on: Tony Simpson, Rick Sheill(even tho I would not admit it)
Something random: The year I fell in love. Our last year at middle school. Just a really great year! I fell in love with Tony Simpson. I never fell out of love with him and now I'm engaged to him. It was honestly the best year of middle school. I went to 8th grade formal with Tony. It was the first time a boy had given me flowers. I really feel like I remember every detail of 8th grade. It must have been a very important year in my development. 8th grade still give me a smile on my face.

Ninth Grade
Who were your teachers: Mrs Cerano, Mrs. Stratton, Mrs Hoyt, Mr Legetko, Mr Bierman, Mrs. Pavkovich, Mr. Geister
Best Friends: Becca Look, Mallory Brown, Stephany Lay, Jaclyn Garrison
Who did you have a crush on: Tony Simpson and Tony Gruner.
Something random: I went out with Tony b/c he was older. I didn't know him. I threw away the best thing that ever happened to me. Not a fun year. But I had a WONDERFUL time with my bestest friends in the entire world. FIRST YEAR OF VARSITY SWIMMING! AH! the first year I had to spend with out rick. I think that I learned a lot in 9th grade. I learned that I could make mistakes. I used to think it was like the worst thing that I ever did when I broke up with Tony Simpson, but now looking back it was probably good that I did that so that I could realize that the other fish in the sea aren't worth it.

Tenth Grade
Who were your teachers: Mrs. Husted, Mr. Kreutzfeldt, Mrs. Ziemer, Mr. Wiens, Mrs. Pavkovich, Mrs Stratton.
Best Friends: Mallory Brown, Jaclyn Garrison, Becca Look, Stephany Lay, and Rick
Who did you have a crush on: Rick Sheill<3
Something random: I attended my first high school dance with Rick(even tho he goes to walled lake). I fell in love again. Lost a few things, and gained a few things. became SUPER good friends with the whole group and were tight.. no one is allowed in. haha (i think were sorta cliqueish??) Got good grades! lol. 10th grade was weird. I had a huge crush on Rick even though he didn't go to Swartz Creek any more. It was a good first experience in long distance relationships. The Summer after 10th grade was amazing. We had all got our drivers licenses. We were on the road alone and did a lot of STUPID things. I was probably in love with Robb Anthony but I was sooo stubborn. He was so good to me and I was horrid to him... haha Good summer. I also never told David Almassy how much I longed to be his girlfriend. But by the close of summer I was smitten with Tony Simpson yet again... :)

****not there yet!****
Eleventh Grade
Favorite Class: AP Chemistry and as always Math
Who were your teachers: Mrs. Ziemer, Mrs. Pavkovitch, Mrs. Boros, Mr. Weins, Mr. Lang, Mr. Bierman
Best Friends:Jaclyn, Mallory, Stephanie, Becca, Tony and Eric.
Who did you have a crush on: Tony Simpson
Something random: Tony Simpson told me he was in love with me. Becca and Eric were dating so it was always the 4 of us. We did everything together and had such a wonderful time. I think 11th grade was my favorite year of High School. We all had cars, money and lives. School was hard this year. I took an AP class and took the test. The Summer after 11th grade I went to an engineering camp at Michigan Tech. I thought I wanted to go there until I toured the University of Michigan... that's when I knew where I'd spend my college years.. Ann Arbor.

Twelfth Grade
Who were your teachers:Mr. Butters, Mr. Lang, Mrs Attwood, Mrs. Vredevogde, Mrs. Bennett
Best Friends:Tony, Becca, Mal, Steph, Jac
Who did you have a crush on:I was in love with Tony Simpson
Something random: Senior year was rough. I was so nervous about hearing back from all the college I applied to. I was so excited when I got into Michigan. Then I began to get worried about leaving Tony when I went off to college. I had a lot of scares. It was a long year. I was so excited to graduate and move on, yet I was so scared to leave my comfort zone and do COLLEGE. I honestly don't remember a lot of senior year because I think I worried it away. That is something that I would definetly go back and change. Senior Prom was so fun though. I just remember feeling like the night was perfect. And then when we went camping for the weekend it was a lot of fun. I held a part time job all of my senior year. It supplied me with a lot of new real world experiences. :)

F I R S T:
First job: I haven't really had one McDonalds... OMG McDonalds... haha
First screen name: J13SC
First funeral: My Grandpa
First pet: Max the cat Max wasn't really MY cat. I would say that my first pet was Teala... and I still have her. She is a cranky old woman now.
First piercing/tattoo: my ears I got my first Tattoo during my freshman year of college. It's an infinity symbol on my back between my shoulders. It didn't hurt :-) And it's represents my love of math. Tony got his first tattoo that night as well
First credit card: no I got my first Credit card my freshman year of college. I used it to buy a better computer. But that's all i've actually used it for. Actually I think the first thing I bought was the dvd Tommy. :)
First real kiss: In my basement in seventh grade with ben. lol.. It was cute! :)
First real love: Tony Simpson Actually looking back I think that Ben was my first love. But Tony was definetly my TRUE love... I don't know how life would be without him. I don't really want to find out. I love him! :)
First enemy: eh.. i dont really have enemies. waist of life I still feel this way about having enemies. I don't have any enemies. Well except anyone from Ohio State. haha
First favorite musician: Mike Herrera Probably MxPx in general.

L A S T S:
Last car ride: Came home from swim practice. I just came back from shopping with Tony.
Last kiss: Haha.. On my roof with Rick. We were watchen stars. Tony kissed me goodbye when he left to get ready for the cookout we're going to.
Last library book checked out: last month.. it was called We need to talk about Kevin I have some checked out on my Nook. I don't remember their names.
Last movie watched: The Princess Diaries Two Tony and I watched Anchorman last night.
Last beverage drank: Water This Mango Coconut smoothie from Starbucks. Yum
Last food consumed: ICE CREAM! Some pasta salad that my mom made.

1.What's the worst movie you've ever seen? Napolian Dynomite, but it did make me laugh Cloverfield. YUCK and boring
2.What's the worst song you've ever heard? haha Stupid Hilary Duff that can't sing. ne thing she sings. Nirvana in general
3.If you could kill any celebrity, who would it be? Hillary Duff.!!!!!! haha I'd probably still go with this answer of Hilary Duff.
4.who's the worst band in the world? Good Charlote(sp?) Nirvana
5.Who is your arch enemy? Again... I haven't one. Ohio State
6.What is your least favorite food? alivacado I like Alvacado now, I don't like tomatoes anymore.
7.what happened on the worst day of your life? i dont know.. haven't had it yet. I don't think I've had the worst day of my life.
8.What's the worst job you've ever had? ne form of babysitting Still very true. I hated babysitting.
9.who's your least favorite relative? dont have one. I don't know.
10.worst sex you ever had? hahahaha None?
11.what's the worst way to die? suffication Or burning to death. Pretty much any death that involves suffering.
12.what do you think hell would be like? the worst possible thing you could ever imagin times like 10 million.. and fire Fire! haha
13.if you could murder somebody and get away with it, who would it be? Hillary Duff haha I don't know
14.how would you commit this murder? I dont know. I have never thought of how I was going to murder someone. I think that's a little extreme
15.worst book you've ever read? The Scarlet Letter. It was boring. No action or ne thing Probably The Scarlet Letter or To Kill a Mocking Bird. BORING
16.worst tv show ever? haha.. reality shows I like reality shows every now and then. I hate Judge Judy.
17.what's the meanest thing you've ever done? no idea. Still Don't know?
18.what's the most brutal way you've ever snubbed an ex? eh... i dont know. Pretended I had no idea who they were a few years down the road.
19.what do you hate most about your personality? I talk too much i think. Sometimes I'm a little shy and get worried too easily
20.what do you hate most about your physical appearance? my fattness ha < b>OMG what'd I'd give to be the size I was when I first took this survey. I still don't like my size
Last time showered: an hour ago. This morning.
Last CD played: Franz Ferdinand I don't play CD's any more. Last thing I listened to was Green Day.
Last website visited: livejournal.com www.facebook.com I can't even image what High school would have been like if we would have had facebook... haha oh no.
Last person you talked to: Mom.. as she YELLED at me b/c my room wasn't clean. Tony when we were in the car.
Last time you said "I love you" and meant it: a while ago. when rick and i called it quits. Today when I saw Tony. I love him so much

N O W:
Single or Taken: Single.. not really looking tho. TAKEN
Birthday: September 27th 1987.... soon!! presents. Still the same date, but not THAT soon.
Siblings: 2 sisters
Hair color: brown.
Eye color: green
Height: 5'4 I've never been 5'4 in my life.. I'm probably JUST 5'3

Right now what are you...:
Wearing: sweat pants and a tie die shirt. Shorts and a Shirt.
Listening to: My mother bitch and complain that I dont keep my room clean.. screw her. My mom is talking on the phone with Sally
Thinking about: how much my head hurts. Getting ready for the cookout and my first day of work Tomorrow... nerves
Wishing for: my mom to leave! and to have a wonderful swim season. My first Pay Check... haha
What else are you wishing for: A HOT GUY Getting a nice place in Ann Arbor and buying a sweet ass car.

1. What is your favorite Girl Scout cookie? Thin Mints Still Thin Mints! Yum
2) Do you prefer small town life or big city life? small town Medium Sized Town
3) The Cure's "Boys don't cry" or "Just like Heaven"? neither? Just Like Heaven I suppose
4) Violent femmes or Sex Pistols? Sex Pistols! Still the Sex Pistols. No questions asked.
5) Reese's Peanut Butter Cups or Pieces? UGG.. peanut butter is foul. I sort of like a Peanut Butter cup every now and then. I don't LOVE peanut butter still.
6) Morning sex or drunk sex? Morning.. Morning I suppose
7) Jenna Jamison or Belladonna? eh.. I don't know?
8) Britney or Christina? neither... christina can sing tho Neither still
9) Where were you born? FLINT TOWN.. as if i'm proud of that. Flint, Michigan and now I AM proud of that! :)
10) Pirates or zombies? Pirates Zombies!! haha
11) Hardcore or emo? Hardcore... but sometimes emo guys are hot. Neither, ew
12) Dodge ball or red light greenlight? Red Light Green Light. i was the master at that. I still like Red LIght Green Light
13) Did you get spanked when you were a kid? no I think I got spanked ONCE.
14) Do you get spanked now (sexually)? no. No weird.
15) Do you like it? wouldnt know. Probably not.
16) Where do you hope to be in 5 years? Senior Year at Kettering with a Wonderful coop job... getting paided and hopefully found a suitable boyfriend. haha this one cracks me up. I couldn't have been further from the truth. Five years from when I took this was like my junior year of college. I went to the University of Michigan, I had no idea where I was going to work after I graduated, but I did have a very suitable boyfriend (well he became my fiance that year ! ). Five years from now I hope to be happily married living in Ann Arbor doing well at my job. :)
17) Do you believe in love? Ofcourse. I believe Love is what we were put on earth to do :) It's wonderful
18) Do you believe in witchcraft? no. I don't think so.
19) Explain a holiday memory? Last Christmas we were all at my house for christmas eve. My cousin looks out the window and was like santa is coming. We thought it was my other cousin b/c he wasn't here. It turnes out that this santa guy had come to the wrong house. It was hillarous. We got pictures taken wiht him and everything. And then i think we gave him some money b/c he was SOO embarassed. Priceless time! haha this was hilarious. Still probably one of my best holiday memories.
20) If you could be a virgin again would you? well...haha I should have said I WAS a virgin back in the day not well... and no
21) Would you ever consider being openly sexual with someone of the same sex? I highly doubt it. No
22) Type some of the lyrics of one of your favorite songs? " you are the latest contender. You are the one to remember. You are the villan that sends her line of dark fantastic passion. I know that you will surrend. I want this fantasit passion. You can feel my lips undress your eyes. Undress your eyes. Words of love and words so leasured words are posioned darts of pleasure." "Now I cannot speak. I've lost my voice. I'm speechless and redundant cause I Love you is not enough. I'm lost for words."
23) Do you sleep with a teddy bear or a blankie? when i was younger i did. I have a build a bear Tony got me. I love it. :) He sleeps in my bed with me.
24) Do you believe long distance relationships would work? It did for me. It was a wonderful one too.. I loved him! I had a long distance relationship for 4 years and although it was hard, it worked and I couldn't have been happier. I love that boy so much! I'm so glad the long distance part is over.
25) Have you ever dated some one off of my space/ friendster? no NO!
26)How many people? - ZERO
27) What's more important: money, friendship, power or love? love and friendship Still believe Love it the most important thing in life.
28) Would you sleep with someone on the first date? ugg. i'm not a ho. Never
29) How do you like your grilled cheese sandwiches? Grilled? lol. Can't eat them anymore, Lactose Intolerant
30) What do you listen to when your heart is broken? nothing.. Angry Music
31) Do you believe trust is earned, or do you think everyone gets a shot? earned i guess. I believe that I usually give everyone a shot, and if they screw it up then it has to be VERY SLOWLY earned back.
32) What do you mix your vodka with? nothing.... i dont really drink.. Coke or Sprite
33) What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon? RECESS! Still Recess! haha
34) Did you ever watch kids incorporated? no.
35) What is your favorite John Hughes film? no idea
36) What did you think of House of 1000 corpses by Rob Zombie? eh...sorta dumb.
37) What do you do for work? nothing yet I'm an Electronics Engineer! I make sweet car electronics! :)
38) What is your dream job? mechanical engineer.. but i wanna design cars.. so maybe i'll work my way up. Well I was pretty close. I'm an engineer and I work with cars, but not designing them and I'm totally an Electrical engineer! ha! :)
39)Who is your favorite Peanuts Gang Character? Pig Pen and Schroeder same
40) Broken hearts or a broken aim? broken aim
41) Clubs or bars? Clubs? Bars!! Clubs are too loud
42) Whats the best show you've ever been to? like play show? FAME Grease
43) Do you have a crush? Sorta... a bad one. I think it's more then a crush! It's LOVE
44) Who were you in high school? i am still in high school and i'm me! I was a smart kid... mostly just myself thought
45) Do you believe in astrology? not really No
46) Do you believe in angels? yes I suppose
47) Do you believe in ghosts? i dont know.. never seen one. Yes
49) Don't lie: do you like bon Jovi's album- slippery when wet? not a fan of it. No I don't like it and I'm telling the truth
50) What is your biggest "issue" right now? going to retarded meet the team tomorrow.. and my retarded crush that needs to go away. Finding a car to buy and a place to live. Moving out of my parents house. Starting a job... omg sooo much stuff is happening so soon.

01. Best Friends: Jaclyn, Steph, Mallory, becca. Tony's my bestfriend. But I'm still close with Jac, Steph, Mal and Becca.
02. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: none.Tony Simpson
03. Current Crush: ... umm... Tony Simpson
04. Hobbies: Swimming, Sleeping, Writing.Writing, Reading, Technology
05. What Type Automobile Do You Drive: 99 Mercury Cougar till my dad decides i have to drive the truck. I'm still driving the Cougar! :) Hoping to be getting a mustang soon.. :)
06. Redeeming qualities: ...? I'm not sure
08. Are You Timely Or Always Late: Timely to like school and stuff that i have to be there at a certain time. But parties and stuff.. I show up fasionably late. its better.. i can make an entrence. I've become very timely
09. Do You Have A Job: no dont have time. Yep. I'm an Electronics Engineering for TRAM
10. Do You Like Being Around People: Usually Depends on the people

11. have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: I never LOVED them.. i thought they were mega hot tho.Can't say I've LOVED someone that I wasn't dating
12. Have You Ever Cried Over Something Someone of The Opposite Sex Did: I think probably. Yes. I don't think you could go through life without this happening.
13. Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After: yeah i think i do.. sorta. His name was always Tony Simpson! :)
14. Do you want someone you don't have right now: sorta.. not really tho. Nope
15. Ever Liked a close Guy/Girl Friend: yes i have.Yep a few times actually
16. Are You Lonely Right Now: no i have so much going on.. i dont have time to be lonely. No. I can't wait to move in with Tony though! :)
17. Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married: na Not at all.
18. Do You Want To Get Married: yeah. in time. In a year or so.
19. Do you want kids: maybe.. I'm leaning more and more towards no... it's sad but I just don't think I could do that.

20. Room In house: bedroom. probably still my bedroom
21. Type of music: rock and roll... classic rock... whatever the hell franz ferdinand is... um.. whatever i feel the need to listen to. Right now I am on an industrial kick.
22. Song: Darts of Pleasure by Franz Ferdinand. Closer by Nine Inch Nails
23. Memory: Tony Simpson probably the Spring of 8th Grade or graduating from college
24. Day Of The Week: Saturday Sunday usually
26. Perfume or cologne: LiLu Lucky
28. Month: September I still LOVE September :)
29. Season: Fall Without a doubt Fall. I hate Summer
30. Place to be kissed: Lips ... neck sometime.. if im in the mood. Lips! :)
31. Location for dates: a fun sorta place. Movies at people houses.. 4way date! haha I really enjoy going out to the bar and hanging out with friends, but I also really love a night in with some Netflix! :)

32. Cried: nah Not that I can remember
33. Bought Something: gas Yeah I got a new planner and a fm transmitter for my ipod.
34. Gotten Sick: yeah dude.. from friggen paint fumes at swimming. Nope!
35. Sang: no Yeah a long to some songs in the car with Tone tone
36. Said I Love You: to my sister. haha. Yes I told Tony I loved him this morning
37. Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them, but didn't: no Nope.
38. Met Someone New: yeah about like 50.. all the new girls at swimming No, but tomorrow I'm gonna be meeting some new people for sure.
39. Moved On: not in the past 2 days. Nope.
40. Talked To Someone: uhh... YEAH Yeah I've talked to my family and Tony.
41. Had A Serious Talk: not really! Not in the past two days.
42. Missed Someone: I miss Jaclyn and Steph b/c I haven't seen them in forever. I miss my girls because I feel like I haven't seen them in forever. And I miss my college friends that live all over the country now. :(
43. Hugged Someone: Parentals/family I hugged Tony
44. Kissed Someone: no... I also kissed Tony
45. Fought With Your Parents: argued with my mom. Eh, It's been a while since I've fought with my parents.
46. Dreamed about someone you can't be with: probably.. like Michael Phelps O god is he hot. Not that I can remember.
47. Had a lot of sleep: no... i should be napping. Yeah I slept for like 9 hours last night. I was tired

48. What do you want to be when you grow up? a engineer Well I'm an engineer now! :) Always did know what I wanted to be and now I'm it
49. What was the worst day(s) of your life? eh... exam days. Final Exams... yuck.
50. What has been the best day of your life? September 27th 1987 *if it hadn't be for that day... i wouldnt' have a life.. so obviously its the best.* When I got my job offer!
51. What comes first in your life? Friends. Family
52. Do you have a boyfriend, girlfriend? NO YES!
53. What are you most scared of? death, sickness Still Death! YIKES
54. Who is your funniest friend? ha.. i think they are all funny.. Davids hillarous tho All my friends are funny, that's why I like them

55. Movie: ... tons upon tons upon tons I don't think I have a favorite movie..
56. Band/Group: Iron Maiden and Franz Feridnand. (quite the difference there) Green Day. Always and forever it will be Green Day
57. Store: Kohls and Target Target
58. Relative: Humm... Amber! Probably still Amber since we are closet in age
59. Sport: SWIMMING
60. Ice Cream Flavor: Mint Chocolate Chip
61. Fruit: Strawberry
62. Car: MUSTANGS! I can't believe that I'm going to be getting one!! OMG
63. Name for a Girl: i dont know.
64. Name for a Boy: i dont know

65. Been dumped? yep
66. Dumped Someone? yep
67. Had someone be unfaithful to you? no
68. Hiked a mountain? no
69. Seen the White house? yes That was a lie, i've never seen the white house.. cept on tv
70. Seen the Eiffel tower? not in real life.
71. Tried smoking? nope Once and it was sickkkkk
72. Played monopoly? o yes.. hours on end with my sister. I love me some monopoly
73. Seen Titanic? Ofcourse
74. Kissed someone? Yep i have
75. Tried a weight loss program? No.. I did the whole go to the gym all the time thing, it didn't do anything for me. :(
76. Jumped on a trampoline? yep
77. Visited another country? Canada
78. Colored in a coloring book (and had fun)? i love coloring.
79. Been on a plane? yeah when I was little.. i dont remember it. I just got back from a trip on a plane to Florida. It was cool!
80. Been on a boat? yes many a time.
81. Been on a train? haha only at like amusment parks and what not.. not a real one.
82. Been in a car accident? i think when i was a small child..nothing major.
83. Ridden an elephant? yeah at the circus
84. Made a web page? yep I have done a LOT of webpages! :)
85. Played with Barbies? when i was small.
86. Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look cleaner? haha who hasn't done this.
87. Broken a bone? a finger or two maybe
88. Call a psychic or sex hotline? lol i dont think i have. I'm almost positive I never have haha
89. Watched Jerry Springer? Omg.. jerry springer.. funny show
90. Gotten in trouble for talking in class? so many times. I really believe this is the only thing I ever got in trouble for.
91. Gotten caught passing notes in class? eh.. i think probably yes.
92. Been afraid of the dark? no
93. Been in the hospital (not visiting)? not that i know of.
94. Had stitches? no.
95. Dumped someone and regretted it? yes.... :( But now that I look back, I don't regret it because it made me realize a lot.
96. Went out with more than one person at a time? haha.. no?
97. Been arrested? not
98. Fallen asleep in class? too many times to count
99. Used food for something other than to eat? like macaroni and stuff for projects
100. Ever Thrown food? um.. yeah.
101. Met a celebrity? maybe... not a well known one if i did... I met Krisite Alley last week! awesome
102. Ever loved someone so much it made you cry? i think YES
103. Hated yourself? at times.
104. Been brokenhearted? uh hu
105. Broken someones heart? maybe.. dunno

106. Like to walk in the rain? omgosh rain is wonderful. It gets old when you have no other choice but to walk in the rain going to class.
107. Sleep with or without clothes on? with.
108. Prefer black or blue pens? i like black, but sometimes i get bored of it so i write in blue. and then when i get bored of that i switch.. its a on going process I like black the best.
110. Like to travel? sorta. Yeah its fun
111. Like someone? haha.. yeah.. I love someone.
112. Do they know? probably He knows! :)
113. Sleep on your side? no.. stomach or back. sometimes I sleep on my side, but usually my stomach.
114. Think your attractive? some days... not usually eh
115. Want to get married? in time. YES
116. Who? if i knew it woudlnt be as fun . Tony Simpson
117. Alaska or Hawaii?: Alaska
118. Are you a good student?: sure am I was a very good student.
119. Are you currently in a relationship?: no for the 1000th time. Yes with Tony Simpson! He's perfect
120. Are you involved in sports: Yes i am I was in high school not so much anymore
121. Birthplace: Flint...
122. Christmas or Halloween?: Christmas
123. Color or black-and-white photos?: depends on the photo.
124. Do long distance relationships work?: yes they can If you make them work they work. Mine worked just fine.
125. Do you believe in astrology: i guess not
126. Do you believe in God?: yes i do Eh???
127. Do you believe in love at first sight?: no not really Attraction at first sight, but not LOVE
128. Do you consider yourself the life of the party? um... depends on the party Not always.
129. Do you drink?: negative Not like a sailor.
130. Do you have a car?: yes i do I do not OWN my own car. I have a car that my parents own that I use.
131. Do you have a job?: no i dont! Yes I do! So excited to start too! :)
132. Do you make fun of people?: i think sometimes Eh, not so they know.
133. Do you think dreams eventually come true: if they are feasible Yes.

134. Fave thing to do?: swim and hang out with friends. shop
135. Fave breakfast food? toast Fruit
136. Fave Candy?: mnms Peanut M&m's
137. Favorite vacationing spot: i like to move around and see new things. someplace where it's like 70 all the time.
138. Favorite body part of the opposite sex?: defintely the penis.... i'm kidding. smile gota have a wonderful smile. Smile and eyes.
139. Favorite cartoon? The Simpsons
140. Go to the movies or rent?: rent.. i like laying down.. haha L A Z Y NetFLIX!!
141. Have you ever moved?: 3 times. So many times. Once a year for like 4 years.. yikes.
142. Have you ever stolen anything (from a store)?: i think gum when i was in like 3rd grade.
143. How's the weather right now?: over cast EXTREMELY hot and sunny.
144. Hug or kiss?: depends on the giver
145. Last person you talked to on the phone?: some person that had the wrong number. Tony
146. Last time you showered?: after practice. This morning
147. Loud or soft music?: loud
148. McDonalds or Burger King?: Burger King McDonalds
149. More romantic; baths or shower?: baths.
150. Night or Day: Night usually
151. Number of Pillows?: one Two now
152. Piano or guitar?: guitar
153. Read or write?: write
154. Single or taken?: single.. taken is fun too tho Taken
155. Snow or water?: water
156. What are you doing tomorrow?: swim practice and meet the friggen team. Starting my job!
157. What clothes are you wearing?: pants and a shirt. Shirt and shorts.
158. What do you drink?: water and juice
159. What makes you vomit?: oo... a ton of stuff.. nerves
160. What's on your computer screen?: Michael Phelps Vacuum Tubes
161. What's right next to you?: My cat! <3 awe Nothing
162. What's your bedtime?: when i get tired. Like 1 am
163. What's your best physical feature?: umm... dunno.. you tell me Probably my eyes
164. Whats your name backwards? Nadroj.. haha say that. haha smada is my last name
165. When do you get up in the morning?: quater to eight like 10 am
166. Who do you talk to the most online? I have my away message up quite alot,, but ne one who talks. I don't really talk on aim any more... facebook chat once in a while but that's about it. I text now.
167. Would you wait to have sex until you are married?: yeah i guess. no ha

168. Shawn/Sean: awe shawn... Shawn Lewis.
170. Pat: ives same
171. Bobby: Bradford :-/ Nothing comes to mind.
178. Jessica: simpson
179. Elizabeth: my sisters middle name

180. Is this survey too long? i think its the longest one i've ever done. Definitely the longest survey ever! :)

So after doing all of that I guess I haven't changed that much, but then again I have. It was cute to do all of that. :) haha.


I start work tomorrow. I will let you all know how that goes.
