Real Life

Well I have started work and sort of got used to the situation. It's a lot to take in so quickly and everything is different that I thought it would be. I do enjoy it though. I mean I don't LOVE getting up early in the morning, but once I'm actually at work it's not that big of deal and I am learning quite a bit.

I can't wait to get an apartment closer to work though. I hate the hour+ drive that I do every day. It sucks a lot. And it makes me have to get up soooo early it's gross. I honestly have to go to bed at like 9:30 every night. (I'm 4 minutes late already).

I'm excited for the weekend so I can actually spend some time with Tony. I feel like I haven't seen him all week. It sucks. I mean I get home at like 7:15 every night, and if he comes over it's usually like 8:30 when he gets here and then by 10 I'm like dying to go to bed. It's rough.

It will be so different when we actually live together.

Well I'm going to get some sleep. I think I might get a new computer soon... AHHH I shouldn't but I want one so bad.

Also I need to find a car very very soon. I really want a mustang!! We'll see.